I began my clay journey with learning the techniques of ceramic decoration almost 30 years ago, however once children came along that interest was put aside. When time for creativity became available again, I was living in the South Island but had found that the ceramic studios no longer exiisted. I then had to change direction and learn to make my own clay forms to decorate.
Handbuilding sculptural pieces was my chosen method but ironically I discovered that I preferred my work to remain in the natural, unglazed finish which relied on the play of shadow and light to attract interest.
There was a definite connection between the various pots and koru items I made, each having a fluent and feminine form. I have created a series of busts that are representative of the fashion of today, noting that these are not as disposable!
I am now beginning to experiment with colour by using glazes and overglazes to enhance my claywork, probably due to the influence of my new interest in oil painting.
At present I am working towards my first solo exhibition to be held in Real Tart Gallery during October this year. I have exhibited previously in the Aigantighe Gallery (South Canterbury), Fishers Fine Arts (Christchurch), guest artist at the Percy Thomson Gallery (Stratford) and most recently at the Museum of Waikato as my piece was selected for the Waiclay National Ceramic exhibition.
I am fortunate to be the recipient of the South Canterbury Potters Premier Award 2003 and 2004 and the New Plymouth Potters Supreme Award 2005.
The wonderful facilities at the Vicarage, the opportunities to exhibit and learn, the sharing of knowledge and companionship through the New Plymouth Potters club are a necessary and valuable support to my continuing development. Thank you.