Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Our 41st Annual Exhibition....2nd to 31st August at Real Tart Gallery

Members will be submitting their best work for selection by Guest Exhibitor Beverley Rea.  The Exhibition will be held at Real Tart Gallery for the Month of August.  Real Tart Gallery is located at 19 Egmont Street, New Plymouth and is open:
Tues to Friday  10am to 5pm
Sat and Sunday 10am to 3pm
Please come and see the best works of our local potters and our Guest Exhibitor, Beverley Rea.

Monday, June 16, 2014

Successful Market Day

Thanks to all those who visited us recently.......many have been disappointed as they didn't know the Taranaki Arts Trail was on......here are some pic's of our work that was on offer.......and if you want to pop down over the weekend.....we have restocked the gallery with some wonderful new and colourful work. If you don't want to miss out on the next event, find us on Facebook and please "share" our posts with your friends to help us spread the word.

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Come and Meet Local Potters - 14th & 15th June

Don't forget we are open for the Taranaki Arts Trail this weekend........9.30am to 5 pm on both Sat and Sunday.  In addition to our Gallery at Te Henui, ten of our local potters have "set up shop" in our clubrooms so you will have a chance to meet them in person, view their personal creations for sale and also get a chance to discuss any of those special one of pieces you may have designed and want produced especially.  Look forward to seeing you there!