Thursday, April 5, 2012

A members profile-Jan Pidwell

'It is about sixty years since I made my first piece of pottery. The clay was classic 'sticky Yellow Wellington', the kiln was the Wellington sun and the glaze all the yellow from my paint box. I proudly gave the resulting Easter chicken to my Mum.
I joined New Plymouth Potters around 2000 and with lots of help and advice from other members, browsing dozens of books and attending workshops, I began a journey that has and is still stretching my muscle, my brain, my imagination, my time and my patience. I love it.
I also love treasure-hunting, for textures, colours and forms at the beach, in the bush and in the junk shop finds I can use in my pottery. Animals fascinate me. I have always HAD to make things, out of whatever is at hand. Pottery uses and satisfies these obsessions. Every time I open the kiln there is the excitement of Christmas morning. Very occasionally I find within treasures, sometimes disasters and many surprises...some happy but more that I try to throw away and put down to experience. Its all about the learning and with pottery there is no end to it.
I admire the pottery and the sculpture of many others, would like to collect far more than I have room or money. It is great now to begin to understand what is behind their work. I also enjoy the people pottery brings me into contact with both for their personalities, their variety, skills and creativity and the companionship gained from working together.
I believe that to get the most out of an endeavour you must be prepared to put something into it and recommend that all members become involved in the care and organization of our club.
In our Annual exhibition I have been lucky to be awarded a Supreme Award in 2007 and a merit in 2006. I also was the 'people's choice' in the Real Tart challenge in 2009 which resulted in having a personal exhibition with Cecily Bull at Real Tart...a nerve racking but satisfying experience.
I will always lean toward hand work but my next challenge will be to master the wheel so that I can combine these techniques.' -Jan

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